Friday, February 8, 2008

It's scary out there.

When the lady leaves the house this weekend to hobnob with pals and set the town ablaze with her dazzle, you may want to send her out with an extra can of mase. Or a taser. Why these drastic measures? Well, this man, the infamous toe-sucker, is back on the prowl. He was released earlier this week having served a couple of months in jail after being convicted of assualt and robbery. The story goes something like this: man demands woman's wallet, removes her sandal, and then sucks on her toes. This man should be considered tongued and dangerous. If your gals aren't comfortable carrying a bean bag gun or shank in their cluth, be sure they at least put on the tall boots on their way out the door on Saturday.

1 comment:

Tex said...

So, do you think he's trying to look crazy?
Is he just begging for 15 minutes of fame?

Man, mtv screwed a lot of folks up.